About Us
MilMar was founded on 01-09-2017. It aims to reach a broad audience targeted by MilMar, there are a lot of 2 earners who, because of their busy lives, often fail to meet their needs to arrange. That's why MilMar offers the opportunity to relieve these people and take full care of them through the Bridge service. We fulfill all their wishes. / SERVICES / The word SERVICE is a broad concept, and this concept wants MilMar project the broadest sense of the word on future prospects. The power of MilMar is; to implement 10 customer wishes, 11, which keeps MilMar stop when we are satisfied.
We are a service organization that always delivers slightly more than contractually agreed. Our proffesional team is best known for the opportunity offered to the 2 earners who are not always able to realize their desires due to the busy days. Our team has a lot of knowledge, experience and a wide network which is therefore the optimal solution for your needs.
We are also a unique organization that has skilled professionals and honor our work. The distinctive character is not in the pricing of the service, but in the creativity and the quality of the execution of your wish.
Our Mission
Milmar Global services supports with an integrated package of high-quality professionals, services to a wide audience in the various sectors including.
- Milmar Global services supports with an integrated package of high-quality professionals, services to a wide audience in the various sectors.
- Mediating a customized request for your mortgage
- Mediating the total renovation of your home
- Het bemiddelen van uw huurauto tijdens verblijf in Nederland
- Mediating your exclusive garden
- Mediating amateur footballers to professional clubs in Europe